Thursday, September 30, 2010

Stormfield Theatre strikes Lansing

Lightning may not too frequently strike twice, but upon hitting its mark, serves as an agent to fertilize the very body of our terrestrial sphere. Such is the case with Lansing's latest theatrical contribution, Stormfield Theatre, a hotbed of local thespian and writing talent that provides a flash of freshness to the Capitol City. Although the theatre materialized a year ago, its first staged production won't commence until October 7. (More on that in a future post.)

But for now, let's abbreviate our schedules for a mere moment to learn about Stormfield. As their website declares:
Stormfield Theatre is a not-for-profit theatre dedicated to living playwrights and their works. A home for the development and production of brand-new, and newly established work, Stormfield encourages an ethnically and culturally diverse community of artists and audiences united in support of emerging and veteran dramatists who bring to the stage stories that illuminate our times while they delight and entertain.
But wait; remember that whole shebang about lightning refusing to strike twice? Well, bollocks to that. In this instance, anyway. With the birth of Stormfield, we're also treated to a career resurrection of sorts from one Kristine Thatcher. You may recall the hue and cry raised last year over what many perceived as the unjust termination of Thatcher from the BoarsHead Theatre - itself now an out-of-work entity. Now, reincarnated as the artistic director of Stormfield, we're expecting a litany of greatness from Thatcher. Her work will undoubtedly be greeted with a chorus of thunderous applause. (Okay, that was the last storm-related pun, we swear!)

1 comment:

  1. Amen to almost all of the above--Stormfield is a new and exciting theatrical venture in Lansing, but it is NOT a "resurrection of sorts" for Kristine Thatcher. Ms. Thatcher never went away. Theatre has been her life, and continues to be so. Having spent the summer with Peninsula Players in Door County WI, directing a couple of hits--Over the Tavern and Panic--she is ready to launch the Stormfield project, to give the city of Lansing the quality professional theatre it deserves.
    Opening night: Thursday, October 7, in the Frandor Center, Lansing. (which is on the EAST side of Lansing, not the west)
